As the world's famous independent development partner and supplier, EDAG develops customized concepts and solutions and makes optimization for production to meet the mobility needs of the future. 作为世界上知名的独立开发商和供应商,爱达克根据用户要求,开发新概念、提供解决方案和产品优化方案以满足未来的交通需要。
One of the main characteristics of leagile-type supply chains is the organic combination of batch production mode with customized production mode, and dynamic network structures. 精敏型供应链是精益型与敏捷型两种运作模式混合的动态系统。
Contour size is customized as per production type. 外型尺寸根据产品机型而定。
Complete cars can be customized design and production system is the capsule cool necessary pill drying equipment. 成套车可根据用户要求设计生产制度,是胶囊凉丸干燥必备成套设备。
In the customized production, lean production and group technology are used to establish manufacturing units, which are organized by push operation mode. 对于定制件的生产组织,利用精益生产技术和成组技术来构造制造单元,以推动式作业方式来组织制造单元的生产。
The author also analyzed that, with the deepening of customized production, the corresponding customer effect, the profit of manufacturers, the change of social welfare, the conditions of mass customized production model adopted by the manufacturers and the industries are deduced. 同时分析了随着定制生产的深化,相应的消费者效用、厂商利润以及社会福利的变化,得出了厂商或者产业采用大规模定制生产模式的条件。
How to Improve the Adaptation of the Customized Manufacturing Model to Production Logistics 制造物流如何应对定制生产模式
The manufacturing process of customized product is divided into two processes: mass production of common parts, group production of customized parts. 将定制产品的生产流程分为了两个阶段:通用零部件的大规模生产,定制零部件的成组定制生产。
Mass customization ( MC) unites both relatively opposite production style, customized production and mass production, into one organically. 大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)将定制生产和大规模生产这两种相互对立的生产方式有机地结合起来。
Mass Customized Production or Mass Standard Production: An Analysis to the Choice of Economics 大规模定制生产还是大规模标准生产:选择的经济学分析
Mass Customization ( MC) aims at providing customized products with the efficiency and cost of mass production. 大规模定制生产模式是企业以接近大规模生产的效率和成本向客户提供定制产品的一种生产模式。
The paper refer to the traditional flow of customized garment production, and design a model of MTM system. 本文结合传统定制服装的流程,提出了MTM的设计模型和实现思路。
Mass Customization ( MC) combining the advantages of customized production and mass production keeps the relatively smaller production cost and relatively shorter delivery time while satisfying customer's individualized demand. 大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)生产模式结合了定制生产和大规模生产两种生产方式的优势,在满足客户个性化需求的同时,保持较低的生产成本和较短的交货期。
Ever since the appearance of the mass customized production, its economical superiority has become people s chasing target. 自从大规模定制生产出现以来,它的经济优势成为人们追逐的目标。
The author analyses with micro-economical theory, by a comparison of models, the condition of choice to mass customized production or mass standard production among consumers, producers and social economics. 本文运用微观经济理论,以模型比较分析了消费者、厂商和社会经济对大规模定制生产与大规模标准生产模式的选择条件;
The purpose of this article is to constructs mass customized marketing mode under the mass customized production theory according to the thought of mass customized marketing theory by Philip Kotler, and take the tourism as an example to make an empirical analysis. 本文旨在探讨如何在大规模定制生产理论下依据菲利普?科特勒对大规模定制营销的理论思维,来构建大规模定制营销模式,并以旅游业为例予以实证分析。
Product family management is a key support technology to implement mass customized production. 产品族是实现大规模定制生产模式的重要支撑技术。
Mass customization is a strategic thought based on customer value innovation, and it integrates mass production with customized production, integrates scale of economy with scope of economy, and integrates product cost, differentiation with speed. 大规模定制是一种基于顾客价值创新的战略思维,它是将大规模生产与定制生产有机统一,规模经济与范围经济有机统一,成本、产品歧异性和速度有机统一的组合竞争战略。
To develop the design of product family is an effective way of realizing customized mass production. 开展产品族设计是实现大批量定制生产的有效途径。
Discrete equipment manufacturing industry, the foundation of industrial evolution in China, plays an essential role in manufacturing industry. It features wide varieties, small batch, and customized production with flexible manufacturing as its mode of production. 离散型装备制造业在制造业中处于非常重要的地位,是我国工业发展的基础,它具有多品种、小批量、客户定制化生产的特点,因而其采用了柔性制造的生产方式。
Meanwhile, customers 'individual demands increase and start to be valued widely. As a result, customized production is factories' main effective way for market shares. 同时,客户的个性化需求逐渐增多,并且开始受到广泛的重视,为客户定制生产已经成为厂家争夺市场份额重要且有效的手段。
Since the traditional mass production can no longer adapt to the rapid changes of the modern markets, customized production has been adopted by more and more manufacturing enterprises. As a result, theories of customized production have become a research focus for many researchers. 传统的大批量生产模式已不能适应现代市场的快速变化,订单制造成为越来越多的制造企业的生产模式,定制理论也成为众多科技人员的重要研究内容。
Especially in Customized Production ( CP), customer demands are very sensitive to response time. 尤其是在定制生产模式下,客户需求对响应时间十分敏感。
Mass Customization ( MC) has become the popular production mode in 21st century, providing customized products with the efficiency and cost of mass production. 大规模定制生产已经成为21世纪主流的生产方式,它以大批量生产的效率和成本提供满足客户个性化需求的产品。
Personalized, customized and small batch production is the inevitable trend of development of stone products processing. 个性化的定制、小批量的生产是石材制品加工发展的必然趋势,所以异型石材的建模和数控加工技术得到了社会的广泛关注。
To verify the practicability of the algorithm, the author of a customized equipment manufacturing enterprises, according to the actual production examples, then the examples are optimized using the branch and bound method. 为验证算法的实用性,笔者深入某定制型装备制造企业,根据生产实际构造算例,然后使用分支定界法对算例进行优化。
The target of mass customization is how to manufacture the individuation customized product by the cost and speed in mass production. 大规模定制的目标是以大规模生产的成本和速度为顾客制造个性化的定制产品。
At present, mass customized production mode is the best choice of modern iron and steel enterprise, which can convert customized demand into large-scale production. However, iron and steel enterprise is different from general manufacturing enterprises. 当前,选择大规模定制生产模式、将定制化需求转化为规模化生产是现代化钢铁企业的最佳选择。
Through the visualization process configuration, this thesis implement a software product line customized production process. 通过可视化的流程配置,实现了定制一条软件生产线生产流程的目的。
Because this model not only continues the previous volume production scale manufacturing enterprises, but also customized solutions through the production and marketing model does not match the previous result in excess capacity and so on. 因为该模式不仅延续了以往制造企业批量生产的规模效应,还能通过定制解决以往产销模式不对口造成产能过剩等问题。